Farm For Soul

Across the world, farm staycations—where one can experience a simple way of life, connect with the land in which food is grown, unplug in the lap of nature—are on the rise. And, in Assam, blessed generously with nature’s bounty, a staycation of this kind can be simply divine. Spread NE in Rupnagar, Sonapur, about 30 km from Guwahati – a farm learning centre that supports small and marginal tribal farmers of the region is one such. It beckons youths and tourists to its ‘Farm for Soul’ camping and night forest baths. Promising to make Green Commandos out of you in three days, Spread NE’s forest baths, which entails walking with a trained forest therapist, can be a definite stress buster. Absorbing the sounds and sights of the food forest, filled with native food crops can be an unforgettable experience amidst nature. You observe and understand how humans and animals can coexist seamlessly, how bees and earthworms, plants that attract elephants, boars, birds, can be part of compassionate farming.

About 12 km from Spread NE, driving towards Khetri, take a u-turn and then go off-road towards Tegheria waterfall, a veritable paradise for butterfly lovers. Continue your drive for 10 kms through hills and dales till you reach the Amri Karbi village – Kolongar, for clean air. Lace up a pair of hiking boots and head off for couple of hours of medium trek with views along the trail followed by Karbi lunch beside stream or village walk or pedal through quiet village and passing by green canopies of rubber plantation.

At Kolongar village, Spread NE has a wellness centre where doctors can de-stress in exchange for conducting health check-ups of villagers. Last but not the least, in the neighbouring village at Pesansuru (5 kms) ensuring a sustainable livelihood you will experience ‘slow fashion movement’ and celebrate the skills of Karbi weavers. Here, fabrics are woven through sustainable processes that emphasise both art and craft; they are traditional textiles that are rich in culturally significant motifs—works of art that last beyond a lifetime.

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